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Rabbi Hazzan Howard K. Glantz,
Certified Moyel

If you want to confer rite of passage on your brand new daughter, you want a brit habat (Baby naming) which allows you to plan almost any appropriate ceremony you prefer. You are not locked into eight days after birth but can schedule a time most convenient for family and friends (not to mention mother and daughter). This can take place at home or at a synagogue, usually only during a Torah service.
A number of candles may be lit in baby's honor and remembering the generations that have gone before, relatives you hope are looking down and being happy that Jewish tradition continues in the family. These can include accompanying readings or be simply done in silence. Rabbi Glantz often brings his guitar to baby namings and offers a song that welcomes and blesses her.
Rabbi Howard engages everyone present by encouraging them to sing familiar songs along with him and to repeat some of the prayers phrase by phrase.The infant is then greeted with brucha haba'a (Blessed is she who enters) after which prayers and readings may be recited before the kiddush is chanted. At that point, the baby's name is announced and explained. More prayers and readings may ensue. The Rabbi will encourage you to have some words prepared about the names you choose and why, thanking people for coming, etc.
Finally, we come to the celebratory meal and party, the s'eudat mitzvah, appropriate for both boys and girls.